


For residential, commercial or industrial facilities, a power outage can be a catastrophe. Whether you need a portable or permanent power solution to keep your business or home running, Digital Electric<\/strong> has the answer.<\/p>\n<\/div>



Peace of mind during a power outage.<\/h3>\n

Our homes have a growing dependency on power. Lives have become more interconnected than ever and people rely heavily on the devices allowing that connectivity. But one power outage can disrupt everything. Be prepared.<\/p>\n

Permanent backup power system, installed directly into your home’s wiring by a certified Digital Electric licensed electrician. Backup power supply automatically starts when the power goes out with an automatic transfer switch.\u00a0 \u00a0Uses liquid propane gas or natural gas for fuel – no refueling needed.<\/p>\n<\/div><\/div><\/div>

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Power your business even when the lights go out.<\/h3>\n

Keep the power on and your business revenue flowing with our natural gas or propane-powered standby commercial generators. Emergency standby power is mandatory for any business where mission-critical operations require an uninterrupted supply of power. Regardless of whether this power is used for making secure financial transactions, meeting the uptime requirements of large data centers or supporting life-saving procedures in healthcare facilities, uninterrupted power translates to success in many industries.<\/p>\n<\/div><\/div><\/div>

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OUR CLIENTS<\/span><\/h2><\/div>

Serving the electrical needs of residential, commerical and industrial clients throughout Ontario.<\/p>\n<\/div>
